SolutionsAvanced Ceramics

Avanced Ceramics

With over 200 years of expert knowledge and experience in ceramics, Solcera is perfectly placed to fit the most specific requirements for advanced ceramics, also known as technical ceramics.

Assessment of chemical and physical properties of ceramics constitutes an essential step in their manufacture since they will decisively influence their final performances.

Solcera has a considerable range of characterization, analysis, inspection and test equipment, including

  • Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS or EDX) coupled to a SEM scanning electron microscopy
  • X-ray Diffractometer
  • Infrared Spectrometer FTIR
  • Density, dilatometer, thermal analyzer, moisture analyzer, rheometer (flow behavior), durometer (Vickers and Knoop hardness), laser granulometer (particle size), BET (surface area analyzer), coulometer
  • Mechanical test equipment (biaxial, 3 and 4 points flexural strength, tension, compression, Young’s modulus…)
  • Polariscope (stress detection in transparent materials)
  • Sample preparation : Precision Cutting, polishing, sputter coating
  • Interface analysis
  • Electrical testing
  • Pressure testing and Helium leak detection

Through this broad expertise, Solcera designs, industrializes and produces ceramics and advanced materials for use in harsh environments.

Our materials are used in the field of civil and military aeronautics, as insulating supports in instrumentation or ballistic protection elements, as well as opto-electronic components in guidance systems.

Solcera is also engaged in metallurgical industries, supplying oxygen sensors and sinter supports as well as in semiconductors and chemistry with their crucibles and labware. Furthermore, we meet regulatory requirements related to nuclear activities. And finally we offer our expertise to luxury jewelry and watchmaking.

Solcera develops its own ceramic grades and is vertically integrated, i.e. owns all steps of the manufacturing process, up to the final ceramic component, with flexible production capacity from prototype to high-volume manufacturing :

  • Preparation of powders
  • Shaping: uniaxial pressing, isostatic pressing, extrusion, slip casting, injection molding, hot pressing
  • Atmosphere and pressure sintering, HIP
  • Machining and finishing processes: in the green non-sintered state, in the pre-sintered “bisque” state, grinding, turning, milling, lapping, polishing

Our R&D team is essential for co-development programs with our customers in high-technology markets and we provide product design services and industrial support through our Engineers.

Ceramic manufacturing process

fabrication des céramiques

Selection Guide


Materials Portfolio

AI₂0₃Hardness, low cost, metallizable
ZrO₂ (Y₂O₃)Fracture toughness, bending strength, colors
ZrO₂ (MgO)Thermal insulation, mechanical resistance
ZTAFracture toughness, hardness
SI₃N₄Mechanical and wear resistance
B₄CExtreme hardness, low density
MgF₂Infrared transparency up to 8μm
MgAI₂O₄Impact and corrosion resistance, transparency
ZnSInfrared transparency up to 12μm
SiO₂Electromagnetic transparency
MgOExtreme temperature refractory
HfO₂Extreme temperature refractory

Our materials

Alumina Zirconia Nitrides Boron carbide Transparent materials
Proprerties Unites AF950 TS150 AF980 AF997 ZFME ZFYT Kersit HP B₄C SiO₂ MgF₂ Spinelle ZnS
Composition (masse %) 95% Al₂0₃ 97,6% Al₂0₃ 98% Al₂0₃ 99,7% Al₂0₃ 97% Zr0₂ 95% Zr0₂ 91% Si₃N₄ 95%
99% SiO₂ > 99,8 % MgF₂ 100% MgAI₂0₄ 100% ZnS
Density g/cm³ 3,60 3,75 3,89 3,89 5,70 6,00 3,20 2,50 1.9-2.1 3,18 3,58 4,09
Hardness - Vickers GPa 15 15 15 18 11 13 16 28 5 6 13 2,9
3 points bending strength/ biaxial (b) MPa 250 280 280 310 600 900 900 425 (4pts) >40 130 390 95 (b)
Elastic modulus GPa 250 330 330 310 210 220 315 440 40 140 270 90
Fracture toughness MPa (m)¹/² 3,8 3,8 4 4,8 8,5 10 7,5 3-4 2,2 0,6
Coefficient of thermal expansion 1/K x10⁶ 8,5 8,5 8 8,5 9,5 10 3,1 5 0.6 10 7,8 7,3
Thermal conductivity
(20° à 100°C)
W/m.K 22 30 29 1,9 3 19 - 0.9 15,3 12
Thermal shocks resistance +++ ++ + + ++ + +++ + ++++ +++ + +
Maximum use temperature °C 1500 1700 1500 1700 2000 1000 1400 - 1200 600 1500 200
Electrical resistivity > 10¹² > 10¹⁴ > 10¹⁴ > 10¹² > 10⁷ > 10⁷ > 10¹⁰ > 10⁷ > 10⁷

This Chart is intended to illustrate typical properties of a selection of Solcera .
Property values may vary with method of manufacture, size and shape of part and may not be used as absolute values.

Avanced Ceramics

Résistivité électrique
chocs thermiques
Conductivité thermique

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  • ZI N°1 - Rue de l'industrie
  • 27000 EVREUX
  • +33 (0)2 32 29 42 00
  • 83 Rue Marcelin Berthelot
  • +33 (0)1 64 13 61 10
  • Contact

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