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The Société Française du Vide (SFV) is a non-profit organization under the French law of 1901, which has been bringing together users of vacuum technology since 1945. Its role is to create and develop special relationships between the various players in the scientific, academic and industrial worlds.
SFV's activities revolve around three major themes: vacuum techniques, the application of new materials and associated cutting-edge techniques... [...]
VITRON Spezialwerkstoffe GmbH, located in Jena, Germany, has been specialized since 1991 in the manufacture and supply of materials and components for infrared optics, including zinc sulfide and chalcogenide glasses. They are also known for their Vitronit® machinable glass-ceramics, used in the engineering and medical markets.
Their qualified experts are constantly working to develop their own processes and technologies, and also carry out projects in partnership with universities and research institutes.
The partnership between Solcera and Vitron promises significant synergies, particularly in the field of optical and infrared materials. [...]
Région Normandie (Normandy region)
"An exceptional geographical position, a remarkable living environment, an innovative economy and a welcoming population. This is Normandy: open to the world and to the future [...]"
"Normandie AeroEspace (NAE), a centre of excellence! Normandie AeroEspace (NAE) is the Norman network for operators within the aeronautic, space, defense and security fields taking part in tomorrow’s future project.
It is widespread accross Nomandy and gather more than 140 operators: big industrial groups, airports and a military base, numerous SMI/SME, research laboratory and universities.
The cluster unites more than 20 000 employees for a 3 Billion Euros turnover in 2017 [...]"
PEC Pôle Européen de la Céramique
"Based in Limoges and Toulouse, recognized as an expert in France, representing the ceramics sector.
The cluster leads its network in order to promote the innovation capacity of its 140 actors [...]"
La French Fab
"La French Fab is an accreditation award created in October 2017 in order to federate French companies and to promote French industries throughout the world.
The French government has been inspired by the French Tech created in 2013 to promote startups and French IT [...]"
Founded in 1967, COFREND (Confédération Française pour les Essais Non Destructifs) is the leading organization in France for the Certification and Qualification of NDT professionals.
An interprofessional and multisectoral confederation, it brings together all NDT players: manufacturers, equipment manufacturers and distributors, trade associations, certified personnel, research organizations, training agencies, service providers and public institutions (CCI, standardization, ministries, education, etc.).[...]"
AESMIDE is born in 1984 to serve as interlocutor between goods and services suppliers and the Spanish Defense Minister. Nowadays, it hosts 60 contracting companies of the Spanish Defense Minister, and other Spanish Public Authorities and other States.
It is a non-profit Association whose main aim is to promote all the associated enterprises encouraging and defending their capabilities in the internal and foreign market.
AESMIDE is a multisectorial association whose members are specialized mainly in service and goods supply.
In a world increasingly complex and regulated, AESMIDE is a crucial tool to achieve the success of the different organization making no difference between sectors since it enables the combination between the private and public interest. [...]
Defence and Security Industry Association of the Czech Republic (DSIA) affiliates companies involved in research, development, manufacture, trade and marketing of defence and security equipment, materials and services. [...]"
BPI Banque Publique d'Investissement
"Bpifrance, the one-stop shop for entrepreneurs! Since 2013, Bpifrance has become the one stop shop for entrepreneurs with a vastly comprehensive toolbox offered in the field to customers through 50 local branches. Our mission is simple: we believe in serving the future, by being entrepreneur-centric and heavily decentralized [...]"
"Orfite is a reference shareholder providing specialised services to companies and entrepreneurs. We ensure the smooth transfer of your industrial assets whilst guaranteeing stability and compliance to your management methods. Orfite: a dedicated solution for entrepreneurs betting on the future ! [...]"
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